Winter Retreat Registration
WARNING: Our Registration Site is NOT designed to be used on small devices (tablets/phones). Please use a laptop/desktop computer to register your campers. If you contact us needing help registering, that will be the first question we ask.
NOTE: Please do not allow your students to register themselves, as we need parents/guardians to sign the online registration. Thank you!
Winter Retreat registration is OPEN! We are so excited for this weekend with your students. Please read the following information, as this is our first Winter Retreat in the past few years.
WARNING: Our Registration Site is NOT designed to be used on small devices (tablets/phones). Please use a laptop/desktop computer to register your campers. If you contact us needing help registering, that will be the first question we ask.
NOTE: Please do not allow your students to register themselves, as we need parents/guardians to sign the online registration. Thank you!
Winter Retreat registration is OPEN! We are so excited for this weekend with your students. Please read the following information, as this is our first Winter Retreat in the past few years.
Winter Retreat Updates:
1) Student check-in will start at 6:15-8pm on Friday, January 20th. (There will be dinner served that evening.)
2) Student Pick-up will be at 2:00pm on Sunday, January 22nd.
3) All student fees must be paid before Retreat, or your student will not be able to check-in.
4) Cell phones will not be allowed at the retreat. We want our students to focus on their relationship with Jesus and relationships with each other and we believe this is best accomplished without cell phones.
2022 Pricing
Our cost for Winter Retreat is $150
Reminder, we do not want campers to have CASH at camp. This becomes an item that can be lost, or perhaps stolen. There is no need for cash as we will provide all food and snacks for your child (this plays into the cost of retreat).
Express Check-In
In order to be eligible for Express Check-In, you must have submitted the following:
1) Full payment for all camp fees and camp store accounts
2) Completed Online Registration
3) Included all your camper's medications in the Online Registration.
If you arrive at retreat with medications, and haven't entered them along with your student's registration, you will not be eligible for Express Check-In. You will have to wait until all Express Check-In campers have been through the nurse's station, and then your medications/students will be checked in last.
If your registration and payment have been received by January 6th, you will be eligible for Express Check-In. When you arrive at retreat, you will receive a check-in form specifically for each of your students. If your medications have been entered on the camper's online registration, you will be quickly processed through the Nurse's station. Otherwise, you will have to wait to check in your medications until all other students have been checked in.
To Register:
To register a student, begin by creating an account using the TriState Camp Online Portal. If you created an account in previous years, your login and password are still valid. You will first complete a Parent Information Form, and then complete one Student Information Form for each camper you wish to register. Your registration will not be complete until a minimum deposit of $75 for each student is completed either electronically or by mailing a check. The full registration fee is due by January 6th. Deposits and payments are non-refundable . If you have questions or concerns please contact us.
1) Full payment for all camp fees and camp store accounts
2) Completed Online Registration
3) Included all your camper's medications in the Online Registration.
If you arrive at retreat with medications, and haven't entered them along with your student's registration, you will not be eligible for Express Check-In. You will have to wait until all Express Check-In campers have been through the nurse's station, and then your medications/students will be checked in last.
If your registration and payment have been received by January 6th, you will be eligible for Express Check-In. When you arrive at retreat, you will receive a check-in form specifically for each of your students. If your medications have been entered on the camper's online registration, you will be quickly processed through the Nurse's station. Otherwise, you will have to wait to check in your medications until all other students have been checked in.
To Register:
To register a student, begin by creating an account using the TriState Camp Online Portal. If you created an account in previous years, your login and password are still valid. You will first complete a Parent Information Form, and then complete one Student Information Form for each camper you wish to register. Your registration will not be complete until a minimum deposit of $75 for each student is completed either electronically or by mailing a check. The full registration fee is due by January 6th. Deposits and payments are non-refundable . If you have questions or concerns please contact us.
Mail deposit checks to:
TriState Fellowship Camp
Note: Winter Retreat
410 E. Social Row Road
Centerville, OH 45458
TriState Fellowship Camp
Note: Winter Retreat
410 E. Social Row Road
Centerville, OH 45458