Get Involved!
There are several spiritual, material and financial ways you can help forward the ministry of the TriState Fellowship Camp. If you are able to help, please let us know.
Spiritual Needs
The TriState Fellowship Camp is in constant need of prayer support.
Ways you can pray:
1. Pray for the planning of the 2023 camp
2. Pray that God would supply the needed volunteers
3. Pray that God will already be preparing the hearts and minds of the campers
Financial Needs
Each year we strive to make camp a week of spiritual growth for the campers, and at the same time a week of fun that they will remember for the rest of their lives. We work hard to keep camp fees very reasonable, but we live in a world of increasing costs. Every effort is made to maximize our program while also being good stewards of what God provides. A financial gift of any size would be greatly appreciated!
To give financially, please mail your gift to:
TriState Fellowship Camp
410 E. Social Row Road
Centerville, OH 45458
Please note: all gifts are tax deductible.